Monday, February 12, 2007

What is it that we are attempting to accomplish through teaching? / What makes for a good teacher?

I decided to become a teacher when I was in high school. I was fortunate enough to have some really incredible and influential teachers. I saw how they were impacting my life and the lives of my peers. I think that when I am a teacher, what I want to accoplish is exactly what my teachers did for me. To impact students lives by being able to share my passion for music with them. I hope that when students leave my band program they will have a heightened knowledge and appreciation for music of all kinds.

A good teacher is someone who can connect to the students. It is very hard to learn from someone who you do not respect or like. A teacher must be able to inspire interest in the topic they are teaching by being able to relate it to the life of the student. He or she must be very knowledgeable about their topic and able to answer or have the resources to answer questions of students. A good teahcer is someone who the students look up to for friendship, knowledge, and inspiration.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I completely agree Ted, I think that it is so important to be able to establish a friendship with your pupils. Teachers that do not have relationships with their students are the least effective teachers. This is something that teachers MUST be able to do.